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I was 17 years oldI had a basement suite, bus passand $150 left for everything else each month.I got so lonely that I hung out in the library all day.I mostly ate potatoes.
One day I stood by the side of the tracksand thought of the skytrain barreling over me,crushing my bones and spreading my gore along the railslike raspberry jam over toast.
I tiptoed to the edge just to see how close I could get.
an alarm rang out and the train stopped cold,I jumped back.
“It was a child”an apologetic woman's voice informed us,“she saw a bird land on the track and pushed the emergency stop button”“We’re sorry for the inconvenience”
A tall man walked up to me,leaned in close and spat through gritted teeth:“I hope they fucking beat that kid.”
I stood silently until he walked away,until the train finally cameand rode on to my destination

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